Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Theory of Evolution versus the Books for Dummies

In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species relating to his theories of evolutionary biology and natural selection.  The theory of evolution states individuals less suited to the environment are less likely to survive and less likely to reproduce; individuals more suited to the environment are more likely to survive and more likely to reproduce and leave their inheritable traits to future generations, which produces the process of natural selection.  Natural selection, the key component of evolution, is the process where biological traits become more or less common in a species due to consistent effects upon the survival or reproduction of their bearers.  Now that you are all up to speed with Darwinism, we can move forward with my argument.

For millions of years, Earth has witnessed species develop, and either flourish or fail.  (Note: This will not be a discussion on evolution vs. creationism.  I will save that for another day)  In order for a species to survive with the ever-changing environments, climates, etc, it must adapt.  These adaptations can be a change in behavior or as advanced as a cellular mutatation (natural selection) allowing the plant or animal to exist.

Humans are one of the best examples of evolution.  According to scientists, the human species is a descendant of hominids, great apes and mammals.  The development of speech, domestication and the recent exponential growth of technology are just a few examples of how humans have evolved to adapt to their environments.

Within modern society, it is survival of the fittest.  The star quarterback gets the cheerleader, the smart kid gets the MIT scholarship and the CEO gets the bonus.  The dumb, poor, weak and socially inept were doomed to fail at life until some asshole created a book to help these people....

Now, people that were too stupid to use a computer, plant a garden or perform basic math are not dying off as evolution planned.  The books for morons are throwing off the eternal balance of the world.  The human race now doesn't fight to exist, it simply goes to the nearest Barnes & Noble or    It is no longer survival of the fittest, but instead, survival of the "smart enough to read a book for idiots."  While researching, I found one titled Evolution for Dummies which I found to be amusingly ironic.  The group meant to succeed is unfortunately tarnished with cheaters who can now build a better life by learning backgammon, auto repair or how to train beagles.