Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I fear the "Idiocracy" Prophecy is beginning to ring true.

As I watch television, read periodicals and gather my information via other reputable sources such as the Internet, I come to the conclusion the plot from "Idiocracy" is becoming a case of art reflecting reality.

For those of you not familiar with the cinematic gold of "Idiocracy" I have shared a link so that you may understand where I am coming from.  Idiocracy Intro.  In this movie, Luke Wilson is cryogenically frozen and wakes up hundreds of years later to discover he is now the smartest person on the planet.  Through years of de-evolution, humankind has lost IQ and cognitive skills.  I hope not, but am beginning to fear, this is all coming true.  I am speaking of the intelligence part, not the cryogenics...(For Ted Williams’ sake).  I will also leave the theory of evolution and natural selection for another time.

I was inspired to write this blog entry after watching an interview of Aaron Sorkin where he stated,
 "I have a big problem with people who glamorize dumbness and demonize education and intellect."

Once upon a time, I can remember when New Jersey was the butt of many jokes.  Now, I can't watch television without seeing some schmuck from Jersey making millions for acting like an asshole.  We have game shows where adults are not as smart as fifth graders and where you can win a million dollars shaking your ass with a box of ping pong balls attached--  Junk in the Trunk

Celebrities, people who are celebrated, are constantly in the news for DWI’s, rehab, hookers, theft, divorce, crotch-shots and whatever else TMZ can find a video clip of.  When is it my turn to have a reality program?  Oh wait, I don't have 8 kids, a drug problem or an insane bridezilla of a fiance.

With so much at our fingertips, solutions so readily available and instant everything, we no longer have to work for information or invest in learning something.  With life becoming simpler, so are we.  Students are no longer asked to learn formulas, grammar or memorize scientific data unless it falls into context.  When was the last time you had to remember a phone number instead of looking into your contact list?  You don't think this is causing an overwhelming drop in cognitive levels?  

We have people like those found in this website, www.peopleofwalmart.com, voting politicians into office.  Doesn't it scare you how close that hokey from Alaska made it to the White House??  Sarah Palin may be one of the ultimate glamorizations of dumbness.  I need someone smarter than me leading the way, not someone whose catchphrases can easily be imitated on SNL.

A juxtaposition of 1950-1960's television with today's will display a huge drop in morality and values.  All I'm asking is we pick up a book, read the NY Times instead of the Post and realize the downward path this country's culture is taking.

1 comment:

  1. We have reached the promised land and it sure doesn't like very promising.
