Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why not?? If Amy Adams can do it, why can't I?

I have been toying with the idea of blogging for several weeks since watching the movie, "Julie & Julia."  Yes, I watched the movie with my fiance and actually enjoyed it.  I realized I have quite a bit to say and began to indulge on my thoughts.  I love listening to myself speak, so why wouldn't others?

As a personal trainer, I keep my clients occupied with exercise and extensive conversations.  I am now entertaining the thought of putting my conversations and life experiences into written form for my pleasure and hopefully yours.

Am I looking for fame and fortune? A book deal? Adoration and millions of twitter fans? Yes.  Who isn't?

So I thought, "Where to begin?"  I have opinions on politics, religion, economy, education, etc.  Any idiot with Internet access can convey their message but I hope to be an enlightening idiot.  I look forward to sharing my views of the world and I hope you enjoy reading my future posts.